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Director's notebook

As outstanding credit card debt hits new high, the CFPB is focusing on ways to increase competition and reduce costs

Credit cards are one of the most common financial products in our country, providing the bulk of short-term credit for families. Interest rates on credit cards have risen substantially, with average interest rates going over 20%. Given the trends for the 175 million Americans with credit cards, the CFPB estimates that outstanding credit card debt may continue to set records and could even hit $1 trillion.
At the CFPB Data, research, and reports

Our auto finance data pilot

The CFPB is piloting a new collection of auto data. As part of that effort, we issued orders to nine large auto lenders to provide information about their auto lending portfolio.
At the CFPB

تعزيز إمكانية الوصول إلى المعلومات للمستهلكين ذوي الكفاءة المحدودة في اللغة الإنكليزية (LEP)

إن التغلب على التحديات المالية قد يكون صعباً، وخاصة عندما لا تكون اللغة الإنكليزية هي لغتك الرئيسية. فيما يلي الخطوات التي يتخذها مكتب الحماية المالية للمستهلكين (CFPB) لضمان وصول جميع المستهلكين إلى مواردنا التعليمية المالية.