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Policy and compliance

The CFPB is working to reinforce the foundation of a fair, nondiscriminatory and competitive mortgage market

CFPB’s HMDA enforcement cases and research focus on ensuring financial institutions comply with HMDA and Regulation C’s requirement to report complete and accurate mortgage lending information.
Data, research, and reports

The CFPB's 2023 fair lending annual report to Congress

The CFPB releases its Fair Lending Annual Report to Congress, describing its fair lending activities in enforcement and supervision; guidance and rulemaking; interagency coordination; and outreach and education for calendar year 2023.
Info for consumers

Reporte del 2023 de la CFPB al Congreso sobre equidad en el crédito | CFPB

La CFPB publica su Reporte Anual al Congreso sobre la equidad en el crédito, describiendo las actividades ejecutorias y de supervisión, de orientación y normativas, y de difusión y educación, realizadas durante el año 2023.
Data, research, and reports

The CFPB's 2022 fair lending annual report to congress

The CFPB releases its Fair Lending Annual Report to Congress, describing its fair lending activities in enforcement and supervision; guidance and rulemaking; interagency coordination; and outreach and education for calendar year 2022.
Data, research, and reports

Protecting consumers through a pandemic: 2020 Fair Lending Report to Congress

This report describes our fair lending activities in supervision, enforcement, guidance and rulemaking, interagency coordination, and outreach and education for calendar year 2020.