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Info for consumers

Know your data: Our updated list of reporting companies

Request your consumer reports using our list of consumer reporting companies. Your consumer reporting data affects your ability to get an affordable loan, a job, an apartment, or many other essentials of daily life to reach your financial and personal goals.
Data, research, and reports

New report explores the relationship between Financial Well-Being and the contents of and engagement with credit reports

A joint study with Credit Karma explores the relationship between subjective Financial Well-Being (FWB) and objective credit characteristics and engagement with financial education tools. The report identifies credit report and engagement variables that are significantly related to a consumer’s FWB score, including credit score, credit limit, credit utilization, and the use of a credit simulator tool.
Data, research, and reports

New report explores when consumers apply for credit cards as their credit scores change

The ability of consumers to access various types of credit can be affected by their credit scores, as many lenders require a minimum credit score before credit will be extended. This report finds that consumers with lower credit scores are more likely to apply for credit around peaks and troughs in their scores.
Info for consumers

New protections available for minors under 16

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Federal Trade Commission are sharing information about a new law that allows parents and child welfare representatives of young people (under 16) to request a security freeze on their behalf to protect them from identity theft and fraud.