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Honoring service with service

Each May as we celebrate Memorial Day, our nation takes a moment to remember all of the brave men and women who died in service to our country. Memorial Day...
At the CFPB

Honoring veterans

November 11th is Veterans Day. This week the CFPB took a moment to recognize and honor the veterans in our ranks: 87 of them! We showed photos of them while...
At the CFPB

On Our Way

Last time, we talked about the mission of the Office of Servicemember Affairs. Now I'd like to tell you a little about the work the Office of Servicemember...
Info for consumers

Military advocates on duty

On July 21st, our mission officially began. We're ready to carry out our orders – to protect military consumers and their families from illegal financial...


Monday is Memorial Day. For many Americans, that means a three-day weekend, the start of the summer season, and a chance to hit the sales. When asked "What...