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Transforming the way we engage

This week the Bureau begins the process of transforming the Bureau’s Stakeholder Outreach and Engagement work, which includes transitioning from former modes of outreach to a new strategy to increase high quality feedback. Earlier this year, the Bureau put out a Request for Information (RFI) on External Affairs’ (EA) external engagements. The RFI had a ninety-day public comment period, which closed on May 29, 2018. The comments we received informed our shift to expand external engagements and modify our Advisory Board and Councils to be one focused tool in the evaluative process.

Fulfilling our statutory obligations

The Bureau will continue to fulfill its statutory obligations to convene the Consumer Advisory Board and will continue to provide forums for the Community Bank Advisory Council and the Credit Union Advisory Council. The Bureau will continue these advisory groups and will use the current 2018 application and selection process to reconstitute the current advisory groups with new, smaller memberships. By both right-sizing its advisory councils and ramping up outreach to external groups, the Bureau will enhance its ability to hear from consumer, civil rights, and industry groups on a more regular basis. 

In addition to the advisory groups, the Bureau will increase its strategic outreach to encourage in-depth conversations, sharing information, and developing partnerships focused on consumers in underserved communities and geographies. These engagements will include regional town halls, roundtable discussions at the Bureau’s headquarters with consumer finance experts and representatives, regional roundtables, and regular national calls. 

Upcoming town hall

We are pleased to announce the first of these town hall meetings, which will take place this week, Friday, June 8, 2018, in Topeka, Kansas. The town hall, Fighting Elder Financial Exploitation in your Community, co-hosted with the Kansas Attorney General, will recognize effective state and local efforts addressing elder exploitation generally and elder financial exploitation. Read more about the upcoming town hall.

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