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4137 filtered results
Category Title Date published
Category: Blog Sa ki rezève pou Bank of America ak kliyan li yo
Category: Blog Ano ang naghihintay para sa Bank of America at sa mga kostumer nito
Category: Blog ما هو المستقبل لـ Bank of America وعملائه
Category: Letter CFPB Letter to State Legislature on Establishing a Victims of Consumer Fraud Restitution Fund
Category: Press release Joint Statement by Rohit Chopra, Director of the United States Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice and Consumer Protection of the European Commission
Category: Press release State Partners and CFPB Sue Prehired For Illegal Student Lending Practices
Category: Press release Autoridades Estatales y la CFPB Demandan a Prehired por sus Prácticas Ilegales en Préstamos
Category: Blog Office of Research blog: Initial Fresh Start program changes followed by increased credit scores for affected student loan borrowers
Category: Blog Ensuring consumers receive critical lending protections
Category: Press release CFPB Takes Action Against Bank of America for Illegally Charging Junk Fees, Withholding Credit Card Rewards, and Opening Fake Accounts
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of Director Rohit Chopra for the CFPB Hearing on Medical Billing and Collections
Category: Press release CFPB Toma Acción Contra Bank of America por Cobrar Ilegalmente Tarifas Inesperadas, Retener “Rewards” en Tarjetas de Crédito y Abrir Cuentas Falsas
Category: Press release CFPB, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and U.S. Department of Treasury Launch Inquiry into Costly Credit Cards and Loans Pushed on Patients for Health Care Costs
Category: Press release La CFPB, el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos y el Departamento del Tesoro Solicitan Información sobre Costosas Tarjetas de Crédito y Préstamos que los Pacientes son empujados a Tomar para pagar Costos de Atención Médica
Category: Blog Distribuiremos más de $3.5 millones entre los consumidores a quienes les cobraron tarifas ilegales para reducir o eliminar sus préstamos estudiantiles federales
Category: Blog CFPB to distribute more than $3.5 million to consumers who were charged illegal fees to reduce or eliminate their federal student loans
Category: Press release Datos del 2022 en crédito hipotecario están disponibles
Category: Blog The CFPB's 2022 fair lending annual report to congress
Category: Blog CFPB entrega al congreso el reporte anual del 2022 sobre equidad en el crédito
Category: Press release FFIEC Announces Availability of 2022 Data on Mortgage Lending
Category: Report Fair Lending Report of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 2022
Category: Blog How are mortgages with a COVID-related forbearance performing in 2023?
Category: Press release CFPB Takes Action Against ACI Worldwide for Illegally Processing $2.3 Billion in Mortgage Payments that Homeowners Did Not Authorize
Category: Press release CFPB toma Acción Contra ACI Worldwide por Procesar Ilegalmente $2.3 Billones en Pagos Hipotecarios sin la Autorización de los Propietarios de Viviendas
Category: Blog Protecting consumers’ right to challenge discrimination
Category: Blog Accepting applications for CFPB advisory committees
Category: Press release CFPB Reporta Sobre Acceso a Banca y Finanzas Personales en el Sur
Category: Office of Research Publication Consumer Finances in Rural Areas of the Southern Region
Category: Report Banking and Credit Access in the Southern Region of the U.S
Category: Press release CFPB Releases Reports on Banking Access and Consumer Finance in Southern States
Category: Blog Worker surveillance poses potential privacy harms
Category: Report Office of Servicemember Affairs 2022 Annual Report
Category: Press release Reporte de la CFPB Identifica Problemas Creados por el Aumento del Uso entre Militares de Aplicaciones Digitales de Pago
Category: Press release CFPB Report Identifies Issues with Increased Servicemember Use of Digital Payment Apps
Category: Blog La vigilancia al trabajador amenaza la privacidad
Category: Blog Protegiendo a propietarios de tasaciones discriminatorias de viviendas
Category: Blog The CFPB intends to identify ways to simplify and streamline the existing mortgage servicing rules
Category: Blog La CFPB intenta identificar formas de simplificar y agilizar las normas para la administración de hipotecas
Category: Testimony Opening Statement of Director Rohit Chopra before the House Committee on Financial Services
Category: Testimony Opening Statement of Director Rohit Chopra before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Category: Blog Laying the foundation for open banking in the United States
Category: Blog Sentando las bases para una banca abierta en el país
Category: Press release Agencies Propose Interagency Guidance on Reconsiderations of Value for Residential Real Estate Valuations
Category: Report Semi-Annual Report of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Category: Press release Agencias Gubernamentales Proponen Directrices Inter Agenciales sobre Reconsideraciones del Valor de Valuaciones de Propiedades de Bienes Raíces Residenciales
Category: Press release CFPB Takes Action Against Phoenix Financial Services for Illegal Medical Debt Collection and Credit Reporting Practices
Category: Press release CFPB Toma Acción Contra Phoenix Financial Services por Prácticas Ilegales de Cobro de Deudas Médicas y Reporte del Crédito
Category: Blog Extendemos la fecha tope para recibir comentarios sobre los corredores de datos
Category: Blog We are extending the deadline for comments about data brokers
Category: Blog The CFPB has entered the chat
Category: Blog Office of Research blog: Update on student loan borrowers during payment suspension
Category: Blog La CFPB ha entrado al chat
Category: Report Chatbots in consumer finance
Category: Report Tuition Payment Plans in Higher Education
Category: Report Chatbots in consumer finance
Category: Press release CFPB Issue Spotlight Analyzes “Artificial Intelligence” Chatbots in Banking
Category: Press release CFPB analiza papel de Inteligencia Artificial en la banca
Category: Blog Nuevas Lecciones para Redes de Justicia del Anciano
Category: Blog New lessons for elder justice networks
Category: Press release Agencias solicitan comentarios sobre normativa de tasaciones automáticas
Category: Blog Algoritmos, inteligencia artificial y equidad en tasaciones de vivienda
Category: Press release Billones de Dólares en Aps de Pago Carecerían de Garantía Federal
Category: Press release CFPB Finds that Billions of Dollars Stored on Popular Payment Apps May Lack Federal Insurance
Category: Consumer advisories Consejos al consumidor: Su dinero está en mayor riesgo si lo mantiene en una aplicación de pago en vez de moverlo a una cuenta que tenga garantía de depósitos
Category: Report Issue Spotlight: Analysis of Deposit Insurance Coverage on Funds Stored Through Payment Apps
Category: Consumer advisories Consumer advisory: Your money is at greater risk when you hold it in a payment app, instead of moving it to an account with deposit insurance
Category: Blog Algorithms, artificial intelligence, and fairness in home appraisals
Category: Press release Agencies Request Comment on Quality Control Standards for Automated Valuation Models Proposed Rule
Category: Press release CFPB Orders Installment Lender OneMain to Pay $20 Million for Deceptive Sales Practices
Category: Press release CFPB ordena a OneMain pagar $20 millones por prácticas engañosas
Category: Report Issue Spotlight: Medical Billing and Collections Among Older Americans
Category: Report Overdraft/NSF Revenue in Q4 2022 down nearly 50% versus pre-pandemic levels
Category: Blog Mortgage data shows that borrowers could save $100 a month (or more) by choosing cheaper lenders
Category: Report Trends in overdraft/non-sufficient fund (NSF) fee revenue and practices
Category: Press release CFPB Action to Require Citizens Bank to Pay $9 Million Penalty for Unlawful Credit Card Servicing
Category: Press release CFPB Obliga a Citizens Bank a Pagar Multa de $9 Millones
Category: Report Consumer experiences with overdraft programs
Category: Blog Building resilience and durability into mortgage rules
Category: Speech Statement of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra, Member, FDIC Board of Directors, on the Proposed Special Deposit Insurance Assessment on Large Banks
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Guidance to Rein in Creation of Fake Accounts to Harvest Fees
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of General Counsel and Senior Advisor to the Director Seth Frotman at the Innovative Payments Conference
Category: Blog Have medical debt? Anything already paid or under $500 should no longer be on your credit report
Category: Blog ¿Tiene deudas médicas? Ninguna que haya pagado o que sea menos de $500, debería aparecer en su informe de crédito
Category: Blog CFPB to distribute more than $22 million to consumers harmed by Burlington Financial Group’s debt relief and credit repair scams
Category: Blog Distribuiremos más de $22 millones a consumidores afectados por las estafas con alivio de deudas y reparación de crédito del Burlington Financial Group
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at the 2023 American Economic Liberties Project Anti-Monopoly Summit
Category: Report Medical Credit Cards and Financing Plans
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of Director Rohit Chopra at the American Association of Healthcare Administration Management
Category: Press release CFPB Report Highlights Costly Credit Cards and Loans Pushed on Patients
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes New Consumer Protections for Homeowners Seeking Clean Energy Financing
Category: Office of Research Publication Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Financing and Consumer Financial Outcomes
Category: Blog Adjustable-rate loans are changing, because a widely-used interest rate index expires in June
Category: Letter CFPB Letter to the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Rule to Facilitate Orderly Wind Down of LIBOR
Category: Blog Credit reporting companies should do more to ensure that servicemembers receive the free credit monitoring services they are legally entitled to
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Guidance to Protect Homeowners from Illegal Collection Tactics on Zombie Mortgages
Category: Blog Zombie second mortgages: When collectors come for long forgotten home loans
Category: Blog Segundas hipotecas zombis: Qué hacer cuando los cobradores lleguen a cobrar préstamos hipotecarios olvidados
Category: Press release CFPB Joins Other Financial Regulatory Agencies in Issuing Statement on Completing the LIBOR Transition
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of Director Rohit Chopra on Zombie Mortgage Debt