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453 filtered results
Category Title Date published
Category: Blog CFPB launches new system to promote consistent enforcement of consumer financial protections
Category: Blog Support Spanish-speaking customers with Spanish-language disclosures
Category: Blog Credit reporting companies and furnishers have obligations to assure accuracy in consumer reports
Category: Report Supervisory Highlights, Issue 26, Spring 2022
Category: Press release CFPB Invokes Dormant Authority to Examine Nonbank Companies Posing Risks to Consumers
Category: Speech Director Chopra’s Prepared Remarks on the Lawsuit Against MoneyGram
Category: Press release El CFPB y la fiscal general de Nueva York demandan a MoneyGram, infractor reincidente, por dejar varadas a familias.
Category: Press release CFPB and NY Attorney General Sue Repeat Offender MoneyGram For Leaving Families High and Dry
Category: Press release 消費者金融保護局和紐約州檢察長起訴 讓家庭處於無助境地的慣犯速匯金
Category: Blog Busting myths about bankruptcy and private student loans
Category: Press release CFPB Seeks to Halt Negative Credit Reporting for Survivors of Human Trafficking
Category: Blog CFPB Extends Opportunity for Public to Provide Input on Junk Fees
Category: Report GAO-IG Act Reporting
Category: Press release CFPB Moves to Thwart Illegal Auto Repossessions
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Launches New Way for the Public to Petition the Agency for Action
Category: Blog Ang hindi inaasahang gastos ng mga lihim na singil
Category: Blog 정크 수수료의 숨겨진 비용
Category: Blog The hidden cost of junk fees
Category: Blog El costo oculto de las tarifas inesperadas
Category: Blog التكلفة الخفية للرسوم المفاجئة وغير المتوقعة
Category: Blog 垃圾費的隱含費用
Category: Blog Sự ảnh hưởng của phụ phí ẩn
Category: Report Justice-Involved Individuals and the Consumer Financial Marketplace
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Launches Initiative to Save Americans Billions in Junk Fees
Category: Op-ed | Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on the Junk Fees RFI Press Call
Category: Blog Fall 2021 Rulemaking Agenda
Category: Report Supervisory Highlights, Issue 25, Fall 2021
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Final Rule to Facilitate Transition from LIBOR
Category: Director's statement Statement of Director Rohit Chopra on the LIBOR Transition Rule
Category: Report 2021 Annual Report of the CFPB Education Loan Ombudsman
Category: Report Plain Writing Act compliance report 2021
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Rule to Shine New Light on Small Businesses’ Access to Credit
Category: Speech Remarks of Acting Director Dave Uejio at the Press Call on the Small Business Lending Proposed Rule
Category: Report Supplemental estimation methodology for institutional coverage and market-level cost estimates in the small business lending data collection notice of proposed rulemaking
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Interpretive Rule on Certain Mortgage and Disclosure Timing Requirements for the 2021 Juneteenth Federal Holiday
Category: Press release CFPB Confirms Effective Date for Debt Collection Final Rules
Category: Blog Celebrating 10 years of consumer protection
Category: Press release As Federal Eviction Protections Come to an End, CFPB Warns Landlords and Consumer Reporting Agencies to Report Rental Information Accurately
Category: Press release CFPB Report Highlights Supervisory Findings of Wide-Ranging Violations of Law in 2020
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Rules to Facilitate Smooth Transition as Federal Foreclosure Protections Expire
Category: Director's statement Statement by CFPB Acting Director Dave Uejio on Impact of the Juneteenth National Independence Day Federal Holiday on Residential Mortgage Closings
Category: Blog Spring 2021 Rulemaking Agenda
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of Acting Director Dave Uejio at the National Association of Attorneys General Spring Consumer Protection Conference
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of Acting Director Dave Uejio for the Asian Real Estate Association of America Housing and Diversity Conference
Category: Press release CFPB Delays Mandatory Compliance Date for General Qualified Mortgage Final Rule
Category: Press release CFPB Rule Clarifies Tenants Can Hold Debt Collectors Accountable for Illegal Evictions
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of Acting Director Dave Uejio for the Interim Final Rule on CDC Eviction Moratorium Rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
Category: Report Fair Lending Report 2020
Category: Blog Protecting consumers through a pandemic: 2020 Fair Lending Report to Congress
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Delay of Effective Date for Recent Debt Collection Rules
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Mortgage Servicing Changes to Prevent Wave of COVID-19 Foreclosures
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of Acting Director Dave Uejio on the CFPB Proposal for Mortgage Servicing Changes
Category: Press release CFPB Compliance Bulletin Warns Mortgage Servicers: Unprepared is Unacceptable
Category: Report GAO-IG Act Reporting
Category: Blog The Bureau is working hard to address housing insecurity, promote racial equity, and protect small businesses’ access to credit
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Rule on Higher-Priced Mortgage Loan Escrow Exemption
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Final Rule on the Role of Supervisory Guidance
Category: Blog Bureau takes additional steps to foster an inclusive financial system
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues an Approval Order to Facilitate Employee Access to Earned but Unpaid Wages
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Approval Order to Facilitate the Use of Dual Usage Credit Cards
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Final Rule on Consumer Disclosures Related to Debt Collection
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Releases Report on Implementing the Dodd-Frank Act’s Small Business Lending Data Collection Requirement
Category: Blog Fall 2020 Rulemaking Agenda
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Two Final Rules to Promote Access to Responsible, Affordable Mortgage Credit
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Finalizes Advisory Opinions Policy and Announces Two New Advisory Opinions
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Final Rule to Implement the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
Category: Blog CFPB’s clear rules of the road for debt collector communications lead to stronger consumer rights
Category: Speech Director Kraninger's Remarks During “Current Priorities in Consumer Financial Protection Seminar” At Harvard Kennedy School
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Final Rule, Improves Clarity and Transparency by Amending Disclosure of Records and Information Regulation
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Releases Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Consumer Access to Financial Records
Category: Blog CFPB provides clearer rules of the road for RESPA marketing service agreements
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Policy Statement on Applications for Early Termination of Consent Orders
Category: Press release CFPB to Extend Comment Period for Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on New Category of Qualified Mortgages
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Releases Outline of Proposals Under Consideration to Implement Small Business Lending Data Collection Requirements
Category: Report Supervisory Highlights, Issue No. 22 (Summer 2020)
Category: Report Plain Writing Act compliance report 2020
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Settles with Remittance Transfer Providers for Remittance Transfer Rule Violations
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Proposes New Category of Qualified Mortgages to Encourage Innovation and Access to Affordable Mortgage Credit
Category: Speech Director Kraninger’s Remarks During the Women in Housing and Finance Annual Symposium
Category: Press release CFPB to Host Symposium July 29
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Final Rule on Small Dollar Lending
Category: Press release CFPB Announces Consumer Financial Protection Week, Virtual Events Nationwide
Category: Blog Spring 2020 Rulemaking Agenda
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Interpretive Rule on Method for Determining Underserved Areas
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Interim Final Rule on Loss Mitigation Options for Homeowners Recovering from Pandemic-Related Financial Hardships
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Takes Steps to Address GSE Patch
Category: Speech Remarks by Director Kraninger During Consumer Data Industry Association Webinar
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Launches Pilot Advisory Opinion Program to Provide Regulated Entities Clear Guidance and Improve Compliance
Category: Blog Consumer reporting and the CARES Act
Category: Press release CFPB to Provide Additional Extension of Comment Period for Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Time Barred Debt
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Final Remittance Rule
Category: Blog Protecting consumers and encouraging innovation: 2019 Fair Lending Report to Congress
Category: Report Fair Lending Report 2019
Category: Press release CFPB Takes Key Steps to Prevent Consumer Harm; Proposes Whistleblower Award Program, Other Measures
Category: Report GAO-IG Act Reporting
Category: Speech Director Kraninger's Remarks at the Credit Union National Association Government Affairs Conference
Category: Press release Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Issues Supplemental Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Time-Barred Debt Disclosures
Category: Press release CFPB to Host Symposium on February 26
Category: Report 2019 BCFP Annual Employee Survey Results
Category: Report Annual Report on the TILA, EFTA, and CARD Act