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502 filtered results
Category Title Date published
Category: Press release Agencies Issue Final Rule to Help Ensure Credibility and Integrity of Automated Valuation Models
Category: Blog The CFPB is working to reinforce the foundation of a fair, nondiscriminatory and competitive mortgage market
Category: Report Fair Lending Report of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 2023
Category: Blog The CFPB's 2023 fair lending annual report to Congress
Category: Press release CFPB Extends Compliance Dates for Small Business Lending Rule
Category: Blog CFPB Approves Rule to Ensure Accuracy and Accountability in the Use of AI and Algorithms in Home Appraisals
Category: Blog New protections for payday and installment loans slated to take effect next year
Category: Director's statement Opening Statement of Director Rohit Chopra before the House Financial Services Committee
Category: Director's statement Opening Statement of Director Rohit Chopra before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Category: Press release CFPB Launches Process to Recognize Open Banking Standards
Category: Press release CFPB Creates Registry to Detect Corporate Repeat Offenders
Category: Press release CFPB Crea Registro para Detectar Infractores Corporativos Reincidentes | CFPB
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on the Final Rule to Detect and Deter Repeat Offenders
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra Regarding the Supreme Court’s Decision in CFPB v. CFSA
Category: Press release Agencies announce inflation-adjusted dollar thresholds for Regulation CC funds availability
Category: Letter CFPB Comment to Illinois Joint Committee on Administrative Rules on the State’s Proposed Community Reinvestment Act Rules
Category: Report CFPB FY 2023 Office of Minority and Women Inclusion (OMWI) Report to Congress
Category: Press release 2023 HMDA Data on Mortgage Lending Now Available
Category: Press release CFPB Prohíbe el Cobro de Excesivas Penalidades por Atraso en Tarjetas de Crédito, la Tarifa Típica Baja de $32 a $8
Category: Press release CFPB Bans Excessive Credit Card Late Fees, Lowers Typical Fee from $32 to $8
Category: Director's statement Statement of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on the Final Rule to Close the Credit Card Late Fee Loophole
Category: Press release FFIEC Issues Statement on Examination Principles Related to Valuation Discrimination and Bias in Residential Lending
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Rule to Stop New Junk Fees on Bank Accounts
Category: Press release La CFPB Propone Normativa para Detener el Cobro de Tarifas Inesperadas sobre Cuentas Bancarias
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Rule to Close Bank Overdraft Loophole that Costs Americans Billions Each Year in Junk Fees
Category: Press release La CFPB Propone Normativa para Cerrar el Vacío Legal sobre los Sobregiros Bancarios que le Cuesta Miles de Millones de Dólares a los Consumidores del País
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on Overdraft Lending Press Call
Category: Press release CFPB y Departamento de Justicia Demandan a la Compañía Desarrolladora y Prestamista Colony Ridge por hacer Ofertas Falsas y Ofrecer Financiamiento Predatorio
Category: Press release CFPB and Justice Department Sue Developer and Lender Colony Ridge for Bait-and-Switch Land Sales and Predatory Financing
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at the Press Event for Colony Ridge
Category: Director's statement Statement of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra, Member, FDIC Board of Directors, on the Final Rule to Protect the FDIC Name and Logo from Bad Actors
Category: Testimony Opening Statement of Director Rohit Chopra before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Category: Testimony Opening Statement of Director Rohit Chopra before the House Committee on Financial Services
Category: Press release CFPB Orders Toyota Motor Credit to Pay $60 Million for Illegal Lending and Credit Reporting Misconduct
Category: Press release Agencies Announce Dollar Thresholds for Applicability of Truth in Lending and Consumer Leasing Rules for Consumer Credit and Lease Transactions
Category: Press release Agencies Announce Dollar Thresholds for Smaller Loan Exemption from Appraisal Requirements for Higher-priced Mortgage Loans
Category: Press release CFPB Orders Citi to Pay $25.9 Million for Intentional, Illegal Discrimination Against Armenian Americans
Category: Director's statement Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on Press Call for CFPB’s Enforcement Action against Citi for Illegal Discrimination Targeting Armenian-Americans
Category: Press release CFPB actúa contra Citi por discriminar a consumidores
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes New Federal Oversight of Big Tech Companies and Other Providers of Digital Wallets and Payment Apps
Category: Press release CFPB propone normativa para supervisar al Big Tech
Category: Director's statement Statement of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra, Member, FDIC Board of Directors, on the Final Rule Implementing the Community Reinvestment Act
Category: Director's statement Statement of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra, Member, FDIC Board of Directors, on the Proposed Rule Regarding Lifetime Banking Bans for Certain Criminal Offenses
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Rule to Jumpstart Competition and Accelerate Shift to Open Banking
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Rule to Jumpstart Competition and Accelerate Shift to Open Banking
Category: Director's statement Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on the Proposed Personal Financial Data Rights Rule
Category: Press release CFPB and Justice Department Issue Joint Statement Cautioning that Financial Institutions May Not Use Immigration Status to Illegally Discriminate Against Credit Applicants
Category: Press release La CFPB y el Departamento de Justicia han Emitido una Declaración Conjunta afirmando que las Instituciones No Podrían Usar el Estatus Migratorio para Ilegalmente Discriminar Contra Solicitantes de Crédito
Category: Press release Joint Statement on Fair Lending and Credit Opportunities for Noncitizen Borrowers under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act
Category: Press release CFPB Kicks Off Rulemaking to Remove Medical Bills from Credit Reports
Category: Press release CFPB Pone en Marcha la Creación de Normativa para Eliminar Facturas Médicas en Informes de Crédito
Category: Director's statement Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on Medical Debt at a Press Call Hosted by Vice President Kamala Harris
Category: Op-ed | Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at the Better Markets Conference on the 15th Anniversary of the Collapse of Lehman Brothers and the Onset of the Global Financial Crisis
Category: Op-ed | Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at The Mortgage Collaborative National Conference
Category: Press release CFPB Orders Leasing Company Tempoe to Provide $36 Million in Penalties and Relief for Tricking Consumers and Hiding Contract Terms
Category: Press release CFPB ordena a la empresa de arrendamientos Tempoe pagar $36 millones en multas y alivios por engañar a consumidores y ocultar términos en sus contratos
Category: Director's statement Statement of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra Member, FDIC Board of Directors Regarding Proposals to Improve the FDIC’s Options for Managing Large Bank Failures
Category: Press release Agencies to Host Roundtable on Special Purpose Credit Programs
Category: Director's statement Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at White House Roundtable on Protecting Americans from Harmful Data Broker Practices
Category: Press release Datos del 2022 en crédito hipotecario están disponibles
Category: Blog CFPB entrega al congreso el reporte anual del 2022 sobre equidad en el crédito
Category: Blog The CFPB's 2022 fair lending annual report to congress
Category: Press release FFIEC Announces Availability of 2022 Data on Mortgage Lending
Category: Report Fair Lending Report of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 2022
Category: Blog Protecting consumers’ right to challenge discrimination
Category: Report Banking and Credit Access in the Southern Region of the U.S
Category: Blog Protegiendo a propietarios de tasaciones discriminatorias de viviendas
Category: Testimony Opening Statement of Director Rohit Chopra before the House Committee on Financial Services
Category: Testimony Opening Statement of Director Rohit Chopra before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
Category: Blog Laying the foundation for open banking in the United States
Category: Blog Sentando las bases para una banca abierta en el país
Category: Press release Agencies Propose Interagency Guidance on Reconsiderations of Value for Residential Real Estate Valuations
Category: Press release Agencias Gubernamentales Proponen Directrices Inter Agenciales sobre Reconsideraciones del Valor de Valuaciones de Propiedades de Bienes Raíces Residenciales
Category: Press release Agencias solicitan comentarios sobre normativa de tasaciones automáticas
Category: Blog Algoritmos, inteligencia artificial y equidad en tasaciones de vivienda
Category: Blog Algorithms, artificial intelligence, and fairness in home appraisals
Category: Press release Agencies Request Comment on Quality Control Standards for Automated Valuation Models Proposed Rule
Category: Blog Building resilience and durability into mortgage rules
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes New Consumer Protections for Homeowners Seeking Clean Energy Financing
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Rule to Facilitate Orderly Wind Down of LIBOR
Category: Press release CFPB Joins Other Financial Regulatory Agencies in Issuing Statement on Completing the LIBOR Transition
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of Director Rohit Chopra at the April 2023 Financial Literacy and Education Commission
Category: Speech Director Chopra’s Prepared Remarks at Justice Department Interagency Event in Newark, New Jersey to Highlight Efforts to Combat Modern-Day Redlining
Category: Blog Protecting people from discriminatory targeting
Category: Press release CFPB Finalizes Rule to Create a New Data Set on Small Business Lending in America
Category: Report Supplemental estimation methodology for institutional coverage and market-level cost estimates in the small business lending rulemaking
Category: Report User testing for sample data collection form for the small business lending final rule
Category: Speech Director Chopra’s Remarks at the NCRC Just Economy Conference
Category: Press release La CFPB Finaliza Normativa para Crear un Nuevo Conjunto de Datos para el Crédito a la Pequeña Empresa en el País
Category: Press release CFPB determina que leyes estatales son Consistentes con la TILA
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Determination that State Disclosure Laws on Business Lending are Consistent with the Truth in Lending Act
Category: Press release 2022 HMDA Data on Mortgage Lending Now Available
Category: Blog Protecting homeowners from discriminatory home appraisals
Category: Speech Deputy Director Martinez’s Prepared Remarks at the Consumer Law Scholars Conference
Category: Blog CFPB finalizes update to administrative enforcement proceedings
Category: Blog Appraisal standards must include federal prohibitions against discrimination
Category: Blog Los estándares de tasaciones deben incluir las prohibiciones federales contra la discriminación
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Rule to Rein in Excessive Credit Card Late Fees
Category: Director's statement Director Chopra’s Remarks on Press Call for Credit Card Late Fees NPRM
Category: Press release La CFPB Propone Normativa para Frenar el Cobro de Excesivas Penalidades por Atraso con Tarjetas de Crédito