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Category Title Date published
Category: Press release CFPB Exams Find Loan Servicing Failures, Illegal Debt Collection Practices, and Issues with Medical Payment Products
Category: Report Supervisory Highlights: Servicing and Collection of Consumer Debt, Issue 34 (Summer 2024)
Category: Blog The CFPB is working to reinforce the foundation of a fair, nondiscriminatory and competitive mortgage market
Category: Press release CFPB Launches Process to Recognize Open Banking Standards
Category: Press release CFPB Advierte Contra Engaños en Letra Pequeña de Contratos | CFPB
Category: Press release CFPB Warns Against Deception in Contract Fine Print
Category: Press release CFPB Creates Registry to Detect Corporate Repeat Offenders
Category: Press release CFPB Crea Registro para Detectar Infractores Corporativos Reincidentes | CFPB
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on the Final Rule to Detect and Deter Repeat Offenders
Category: Blog Banks’ responsibility for scams
Category: Blog Public Interest Tech Jobs: Regulate tech and AI
Category: Press release CFPB actúa contra tarifas ilegales en hipotecas
Category: Press release CFPB Takes Action to Stop Illegal Junk Fees in Mortgage Servicing
Category: Report Supervisory Highlights, Issue 33 (Spring 2024)
Category: Press release CFPB Updates Supervision Designation Procedures
Category: Press release CFPB Finds Violations of Credit Report Accuracy Requirements, Including for Survivors of Human Trafficking
Category: Report Supervisory Highlights, Issue 32 (Spring 2024)
Category: Press release CFPB revela violaciones a requisitos de reporte de crédito
Category: Report Banking in video games and virtual worlds
Category: Press release CFPB Toma Acción para Detener Falsa Promesas de Transferencias Internacionales de Dinero “Gratis”
Category: Press release CFPB Takes Action to Halt False Claims of 'Free' International Money Transfers
Category: Press release CFPB Orders Federal Supervision for Installment Lender Following Contested Designation
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Revised Supervisory Appeals Process
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Rule to Stop New Junk Fees on Bank Accounts
Category: Press release La CFPB Propone Normativa para Detener el Cobro de Tarifas Inesperadas sobre Cuentas Bancarias
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Rule to Close Bank Overdraft Loophole that Costs Americans Billions Each Year in Junk Fees
Category: Press release La CFPB Propone Normativa para Cerrar el Vacío Legal sobre los Sobregiros Bancarios que le Cuesta Miles de Millones de Dólares a los Consumidores del País
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on Overdraft Lending Press Call
Category: Report Issue Spotlight: Federal Student Loan Return to Repayment
Category: Press release CFPB Orders U.S. Bank to Pay $21 Million for Illegal Conduct During COVID-19 Pandemic
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes New Federal Oversight of Big Tech Companies and Other Providers of Digital Wallets and Payment Apps
Category: Press release CFPB propone normativa para supervisar al Big Tech
Category: Press release CFPB Takes Action Against Operator of Sendwave App for Illegally Cheating People on International Money Transfers
Category: Press release CFPB Toma Acción Contra el Operador de la Aplicación Sendwave por Ilegalmente Engañar a la Gente en sus Transferencias Internacionales de Dinero
Category: Director's statement Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on a Press Call on Junk Fees
Category: Press release CFPB examina devolver $140 millones a consumidores
Category: Report Supervisory Highlights Junk Fees Update Special Edition, Issue 31, Fall 2023
Category: Press release CFPB Exams Return $140 Million to Consumers Hit by Illegal Junk Fees in Banking, Auto Loans, and Remittances
Category: Director's statement Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at the Brookings Institution Event on Payments in a Digital Century
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of Seth Frotman, General Counsel and Senior Advisor to the Director, at New Jersey Citizen Action Education Fund’s 14th Annual Financial Justice Summit
Category: Op-ed | Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra at The Mortgage Collaborative National Conference
Category: Press release CFPB Exams Find Unfair, Deceptive, and Abusive Practices Across a Wide Array of Consumer Financial Product Lines
Category: Report Big Tech's Role in Contactless Payments: Analysis of Mobile Device Operating Systems and Tap-to-Pay Practices
Category: Press release Reporte de la CFPB Identifica Problemas Creados por el Aumento del Uso entre Militares de Aplicaciones Digitales de Pago
Category: Press release CFPB Report Identifies Issues with Increased Servicemember Use of Digital Payment Apps
Category: Blog The CFPB has entered the chat
Category: Blog La CFPB ha entrado al chat
Category: Press release Billones de Dólares en Aps de Pago Carecerían de Garantía Federal
Category: Press release CFPB Finds that Billions of Dollars Stored on Popular Payment Apps May Lack Federal Insurance
Category: Consumer advisories Consejos al consumidor: Su dinero está en mayor riesgo si lo mantiene en una aplicación de pago en vez de moverlo a una cuenta que tenga garantía de depósitos
Category: Report Issue Spotlight: Analysis of Deposit Insurance Coverage on Funds Stored Through Payment Apps
Category: Consumer advisories Consumer advisory: Your money is at greater risk when you hold it in a payment app, instead of moving it to an account with deposit insurance
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of General Counsel and Senior Advisor to the Director Seth Frotman at the Innovative Payments Conference
Category: Press release CFPB Joins Other Financial Regulatory Agencies in Issuing Statement on Completing the LIBOR Transition
Category: Speech Prepared Remarks of Director Rohit Chopra at the April 2023 Financial Literacy and Education Commission
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Guidance to Address Abusive Conduct in Consumer Financial Markets
Category: Speech Director Rohit Chopra’s Prepared Remarks at the University of California Irvine Law School
Category: Press release CFPB Emite Directrices para Enfrentar Conductas Abusivas
Category: Press release CFPB Finalizes Rule to Create a New Data Set on Small Business Lending in America
Category: Speech Director Chopra’s Remarks at the NCRC Just Economy Conference
Category: Press release La CFPB Finaliza Normativa para Crear un Nuevo Conjunto de Datos para el Crédito a la Pequeña Empresa en el País
Category: Report Supervisory Highlights Junk Fees Special Edition, Issue 29, Winter 2023
Category: Speech Deputy Director Martinez’s Prepared Remarks at the Consumer Law Scholars Conference
Category: Press release CFPB emite normativa para eliminar tarifas por suscripciones indeseadas
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Guidance to Root Out Tactics Which Charge People Fees for Subscriptions They Don’t Want
Category: Blog CFPB releases updates to mortgage servicing exam procedures
Category: Director's statement Statement of CFPB Director Rohit Chopra on Proposed Registry of Supervised Nonbanks that Use Form Contracts to Impose Terms and Conditions that Seek to Waive or Limit Consumer Legal Protections
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Rule to Establish Public Registry of Terms and Conditions in Form Contracts That Claim to Waive or Limit Consumer Rights and Protections
Category: Press release Norma para Registro Público de Términos y Condiciones
Category: Blog Protecting people’s access to their money
Category: Blog What new supervised institutions need to know about working with the CFPB
Category: Press release CFPB Proposes Registry to Detect Repeat Offenders
Category: Press release CFPB propone normas para detectar delincuentes reincidentes
Category: Press release Los Exámenes de Supervisión de la CFPB Encuentran Fallas en el Reporte del Crédito, Uso de Tarifas Inesperadas y Engañoso Manejo de las Protecciones por COVID-19
Category: Press release CFPB Supervisory Examinations Find Credit Reporting Failures, Junk Fees, and Mishandling of COVID-19 Protections
Category: Blog The CFPB finalizes rule to increase transparency regarding key nonbank supervision tool
Category: Report Supervisory Highlights, Issue 28, Fall 2022
Category: Press release CFPB Supervisory Examinations Find Violations of Federal Law by Student Loan Servicers and University-Owned Lenders
Category: Report Buy Now, Pay Later: Market trends and consumer impacts
Category: Report The Convergence of Payments and Commerce: Implications for Consumers
Category: Press release CFPB and Justice Department Caution Auto Finance Companies about Servicemember Protections
Category: Press release Federal Regulators Fine Bank of America $225 Million Over Botched Disbursement of State Unemployment Benefits at Height of Pandemic
Category: Blog Measuring the impact of financial institution overdraft programs on consumers
Category: Blog Credit disputes: getting a clear statement of results from your furnisher
Category: Blog Explainer: What is nonbank supervision?
Category: Report Mortgage Servicing COVID-19 Pandemic Response Metrics: New Observations from Data Reported by Sixteen Servicers for May-December 2021
Category: Blog Exams lead to remediation for private loan servicers’ unfair practices
Category: Press release CFPB Supervisory Report Finds Unlawful Auto Repossessions, Breakdowns in Credit Report Disputes
Category: Report Supervisory Highlights, Issue 26, Spring 2022
Category: Blog Overcharging for add-on products on auto loans
Category: Press release CFPB Invokes Dormant Authority to Examine Nonbank Companies Posing Risks to Consumers
Category: Speech Director Chopra’s Prepared Remarks on the Lawsuit Against MoneyGram
Category: Press release El CFPB y la fiscal general de Nueva York demandan a MoneyGram, infractor reincidente, por dejar varadas a familias.
Category: Press release CFPB and NY Attorney General Sue Repeat Offender MoneyGram For Leaving Families High and Dry
Category: Press release 消費者金融保護局和紐約州檢察長起訴 讓家庭處於無助境地的慣犯速匯金
Category: Press release CFPB Sanctions Edfinancial for Lying about Student Loan Cancellation
Category: Director's statement CFPB Director Chopra Statement on Edfinancial and Student Loan Cancellation for Public Service
Category: Op-ed | Category: Speech “Reining in Repeat Offenders”: 2022 Distinguished Lecture on Regulation, University of Pennsylvania Law School
Category: Blog CFPB Extends Opportunity for Public to Provide Input on Junk Fees
Category: Press release CFPB Issues Policy on Contractual ‘Gag’ Clauses and Fake Review Fraud