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Make it your own

Money as You Grow Bookshelf is designed to be quick and hassle-free to set up. And, it’s flexible enough to adapt to your library location, staff, and creativity! 

Start with the basics

Order a kiosk and the parent guides

At a minimum, you’ll want to:

Order posters and bookmarks

Then, you might want to call attention to Money as You Grow Bookshelf throughout the library.

  • Posters can catch parents’ eyes, wherever they are browsing in the library
  • Bookmarks can remind parents to visit the Money as You Grow Bookshelf display

You can order free copies for your location.

Additional ideas

Ask the staff to contribute ideas

Money as You Grow Bookshelf brings parents and children together. So your adult librarians and your children’s librarians might have ideas on ways to attract attention from both groups.

Ask volunteers for their thoughts

If you have volunteer groups that donate their time to the library, consider asking them to create posters or displays to accompany Money as You Grow Bookshelf.

Show off the display location

Share pictures of the display on social media, on your site, and in newsletters. Some libraries have submitted program information to their local newspapers.