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We study how consumers interact with financial products and services to help identify potential problems in the marketplace and achieve better outcomes for all. Review our reports and analyses to help inform your decisions, policies, and practices. And, see reports that we periodically prepare about the CFPB.

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Issue spotlight

Issue Spotlight: Analysis of Deposit Insurance Coverage on Funds Stored Through Payment Apps

Payment apps that allow consumers and businesses to quickly send and send money also often provide the ability for users to store those funds. Funds stored on these platforms often lack deposit insurance coverage and are at risk of loss in the event of financial distress or failure of the entity operating the payment platform.
Data spotlight

Overdraft/NSF Revenue in Q4 2022 down nearly 50% versus pre-pandemic levels

Overdraft/NSF revenue for the fourth quarter of 2022 alone was approximately $1.5 billion lower than in the fourth quarter of 2019 – a decrease of 48% compared to before the pandemic, suggesting an annual reduction of over $5.5 billion going forward. This decrease suggests average annual savings of more than $150 per household that incurs overdraft or NSF fees; many households have saved much more.
Supervisory Highlights

Supervisory Highlights Junk Fees Special Edition, Issue 29, Winter 2023

This is the 29th edition of Supervisory Highlights. The findings in this report cover examinations involving fees in the areas of deposits, auto servicing, mortgage servicing, payday and small dollar lending, and student loan servicing completed between July 1, 2022, and February 1, 2023.
To Congress

GAO-IG Act Reporting

On January 3, 2019, the Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act (GAO-IG Act) was enacted as Public Law number 115-414. The GAO-IG Act requires agencies to annually submit a report to Congress on the status of open public audit recommendations. This report is published by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection in compliance with that law.

2022 CFPB Annual Employee Survey Results

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) administered its Annual Employee Survey (AES) from September 6 to October 7, 2022. Of the employee population, 68.9% responded to the survey. CFPB leaders use feedback from tools such as the AES to develop strategies to promote a more inclusive, effective, and efficient organization. Survey results are shared across the organization to encourage leaders to actively seek and respond to opportunities to improve the employee work experience.