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CFPB v. Commercial Credit Consultants, et al and Prime Market Holdings, LLC

In August 2017, a final order was issued in the matter of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Commercial Credit Consultants, et al and in the matter of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau v. Prime Marketing Holdings, LLC.

The Bureau sued these companies, alleging that they charged illegal advance fees and misled consumers about the cost and effectiveness of its services and the nature of its moneyback guarantee.

Victim compensation

In April of 2021, the CFPB began mailing checks to eligible consumers:

  • Call: 1-866-722-3556 (Toll-Free)
  • Email:
  • Write: Third Party Administrator- CCC/PMH (7190) PO Box 63 Minneapolis, MN 55440-0063

Important dates

April 2021 – Ongoing: Distribution

More information about the case

CFPB v. Commercial Credit Consultants, et al

CFPB v. Prime Marketing Holdings, LLC