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Records in this system are collected to enable the CFPB to collect and distribute biographical information of CFPB personnel, including employees, detailees, and contractors, in order to distribute information to Bureau staff, appropriate agencies and entities, the media, and the public.

Who is covered: CFPB personnel, including federal employees, detailees, and contractors, or individuals who have collaborated with, or have joint authorship of publications or presentations with CFPB personnel.

What information is collected: Name, photograph, professional contact information, work history and experience, education background, fields of interest, military experience, if applicable, civic duties, honors or awards, membership in professional societies, publications authored and speeches or presentations given, and other biographical information upon agreement by the individual

Why is the information collected: To enable the CFPB to collect biographical information of CFPB personnel, including employees, detailees, and contractors, in order to distribute information to Bureau staff, appropriate agencies and entities, the media, and the public.

System of Records Notice


History for this System of Records Notice

78 FR 69834; 83 FR 23435