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CFPB Litigation Files

The new system of records described in this notice, CFPB.018—Litigation Files, will track and store electronic information, including both imaged and paper documents, to allow the Bureau to represent itself and its components in court cases and administrative proceedings.

Who is covered? Information in this system will include information on individuals who are involved in litigation with the Bureau or the United States either as plaintiffs or as defendants in both civil and criminal matters.

What information is collected? This system will contain information pertaining to the subject matter of the litigation, administrative complaint, or adverse personnel action as well as records generated during the process of creating the litigation function of the Bureau. Information may include: name, address, email address, phone number, social security number, employment status, age, date of birth, financial information, credit information, and personal history.

Why is the information collected? The system will track and store electronic information, including imaged and paper documents, to allow the Bureau to represent itself and its components in court cases and administrative proceedings.

System of Records Notice


History for this System of Records Notice

77 FR 27446; 83 FR 23435