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Fair Credit Reporting; Background Screening

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is issuing this advisory opinion to affirm that, when preparing consumer reports, a consumer reporting agency that reports public record information is not using reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy under section 607(b) of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) if it does not have procedures in place that: (1) prevent reporting information that is duplicative or that has been expunged, sealed, or otherwise legally restricted from public access; and (2) include any existing disposition information if it reports arrests, criminal charges, eviction proceedings, or other court filings. This advisory opinion also highlights that, when consumer reporting agencies include adverse information in consumer reports: (1) the occurrence of the adverse event starts the running of the reporting period for adverse items under FCRA section 605(a)(5); (2) that period is not restarted or reopened by the occurrence of subsequent events; and (3) a non-conviction disposition of a criminal charge cannot be reported beyond the seven-year period that begins to run at the time of the charge. Consumer reporting agencies thus must ensure that they do not report adverse information beyond the reporting period in FCRA section 605(a)(5) and must at all times have reasonable procedures in place to prevent reporting of information that is duplicative or legally restricted from public access and to ensure that any existing disposition information is included if court filings are reported.

Final rule

Read in the Federal Register

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