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Diversity and Inclusion – Contractor Good Faith Effort

Under one of the terms of your contract, the Good Faith Effort (GFE) clause, you agreed to submit information to the Bureau pursuant to Section 342(c)(3) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the Act), 12 U.S.C. 5452(c)(3), so that the CFPB Office of Minority Women and Inclusion (OMWI) can make a determination about your company's good faith effort to ensure, to the maximum extent possible, the fair inclusion of minorities and women in your workforce and, as applicable, in the workforces of each of your subcontractors.

Contractor Obligations:

Contractor –The Contractor confirms its commitment to equal opportunity in employment and contracting. To implement this commitment, the Contractor shall ensure, to the maximum extent possible consistent with applicable law, the fair inclusion of minorities and women in its workforce.

Subcontractors – The Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause (II.a. & II.b.) in all subcontracts under this contract.

Documentation– Due upon award, or such longer time as OMWI and the Contracting Officer may determine, the Contractor shall provide documentation, satisfactory to the Bureau, at no additional cost to the Government, summarizing the actions it (and, as applicable, its subcontractors) has undertaken reflecting its Good Faith Effort to comply with the aforementioned provisions.

Submit your Contractor Diversity Profile

The Contractor will submit documentation either electronically below or via email to the Contracting Officer and copy

Download instructions for preparing and sending your Contractor Diversity Profile

Download PDF hardcopy

Complete online profile