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Director Chopra’s Prepared Remarks on the Lawsuit Against MoneyGram

Millions of individuals from around the world sacrifice proximity to their loved ones to seek a better life and financial stability in our country. But they know that on the other side, when their money transfers are received, they are supporting elderly parents, siblings, spouses, and sometimes their own young children. Each year, American families send more than $100 billion abroad using international money transfers, also known as remittances.
Op-ed Speech

Prepared Remarks of Director Rohit Chopra on New CFPB Medical Debt Report

Today, the CFPB released a report on medical billing and collection practices in our country. Medical bills are the most common debt in collections reported on our credit reports. Our own review suggests that roughly 43 million people had medical bills on their credit report, in June 2021, with the total outstanding amount around $88 billion.