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Press release

CFPB Launches New Effort to Promote Competition and Innovation in Consumer Finance

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is opening a new office, the Office of Competition and Innovation, as part of a new approach to help spur innovation in financial services by promoting competition and identifying stumbling blocks for new market entrants. The office will replace the Office of Innovation that focused on an application-based process to confer special regulatory treatment on individual companies. The new office will support a broader initiative by the CFPB to analyze obstacles to open markets, better understand how big players are squeezing out smaller players, host incubation events, and, in general, make it easier for people to switch financial providers.
Press release

CFPB and New York Attorney General Shut Down Debt Collection Ring

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), in partnership with the New York Attorney General, filed a proposed stipulated judgment in federal court to settle its case against a debt collection enterprise and its owners and managers. The judgment would order all participants in the scheme, based in upstate New York, to exit the debt collection market after their history of deception and harassment. Their debt collection companies would also be shuttered and required to pay a total of $4 million in penalties.
Press release

CFPB Bolsters Enforcement Efforts by States

Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued an interpretive rule that describes states’ authorities to pursue lawbreaking companies and individuals that violate the provisions of federal consumer financial protection law. Because of the crucial role states play in protecting consumers, the Consumer Financial Protection Act grants their consumer protection enforcers the authority to protect their citizens and otherwise pursue lawbreakers.
Press release

CFPB Releases Report on Mortgage Servicing Metrics

Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) published a report examining mortgage servicers’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. The data, collected across 16 large servicers from May through December 2021, reveal homeowners continue to face significant risks and challenges connected to working with their mortgage servicers.
Press release

CFPB Orders Scam’s Ringleaders to Pay More Than $8 Million to Consumers and Student Loan Borrowers

Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) finalized an enforcement action against debt-relief payment-processors RAM Payment and Account Management Systems (AMS), as well as AMS’s co-founders, Gregory Winters and Stephen Chaya, for collecting debt-relief fees from consumers, lying to consumers about when the fees would be paid to debt-relief companies, and sending illegal advance fees to debt-relief companies before they were legally allowed to do so.
Press release

CFPB Issues Advisory Opinion on Coverage of Fair Lending Laws

Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) published an advisory opinion to affirm that the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA)—a landmark federal civil rights law protecting individuals and businesses against discrimination in accessing and using credit—bars lenders from discriminating against customers after they have received a loan, not just during the application process.
Consumer advisories

Consumer advisory: Don’t give money or information to scammers promising student loan forgiveness

Numerous student loan borrowers recently submitted complaints to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) about companies that promised them student loan forgiveness or loan forbearance in exchange for fees amounting to hundreds or thousands of dollars. Borrowers believed they were talking to their servicer or a company authorized by the Department of Education because they often knew private information such as the borrower’s loan balance or recent consolidation activity. This is fraud.

Director Chopra’s Prepared Remarks on the Lawsuit Against MoneyGram

Millions of individuals from around the world sacrifice proximity to their loved ones to seek a better life and financial stability in our country. But they know that on the other side, when their money transfers are received, they are supporting elderly parents, siblings, spouses, and sometimes their own young children. Each year, American families send more than $100 billion abroad using international money transfers, also known as remittances.
Press release

El CFPB y la fiscal general de Nueva York demandan a MoneyGram, infractor reincidente, por dejar varadas a familias.

La Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor (CFPB, por sus siglas en inglés) y la Fiscal General de Nueva York, Letitia James, anunciaron hoy que presentarán una demanda contra MoneyGram International, Inc. y MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. (MoneyGram), uno de los mayores proveedores de remesas en los EE. UU., por violar sistemática y repetidamente varias leyes de protección financiera del consumidor y dejar a familias varadas.
Press release

CFPB and NY Attorney General Sue Repeat Offender MoneyGram For Leaving Families High and Dry

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and New York Attorney General Letitia James today announced they are filing a lawsuit against MoneyGram International, Inc. and MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. (MoneyGram)—one of the largest remittance providers in the U.S.—for systemically and repeatedly violating various consumer financial protection laws and leaving families high and dry.
Press release

消費者金融保護局和紐約州檢察長起訴 讓家庭處於無助境地的慣犯速匯金

消費者金融保護局(CFPB)和紐約州檢察長Letitia James今天宣佈,他們將對美國最大匯款服務公司之一MoneyGram International, Inc.和MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc.(簡稱「速匯金」(MoneyGram))提起訴訟,因爲他們系統性地、反复地違反各種消費者金融保護法,讓家庭處於無助境地。該訴訟特別指控該公司未能及時向國外收款人匯款,從而導致客戶等待匯款。