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Press release

CFPB and Justice Department Issue Joint Statement Cautioning that Financial Institutions May Not Use Immigration Status to Illegally Discriminate Against Credit Applicants

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and Justice Department today issued a joint statement that reminds financial institutions that all credit applicants are protected from discrimination on the basis of their national origin, race, and other characteristics covered by the Equal Credit Opportunity Act, regardless of their immigration status.
Press release

Joint Statement on Fair Lending and Credit Opportunities for Noncitizen Borrowers under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Department of Justice (collectively, the agencies) jointly issue this statement to assist creditors and borrowers in understanding the potential civil rights implications of a creditor’s consideration of an individual’s immigration status under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA).
Press release

CFPB Issues Guidance to Halt Large Banks from Charging Illegal Junk Fees for Basic Customer Service

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) issued an advisory opinion regarding a provision enacted by Congress which generally prohibits large banks and credit unions from imposing unreasonable obstacles on customers, such as charging excessive fees, for basic information about their own accounts.
Press release

CFPB Emite Directrices para Impedir que Grandes Bancos Cobren Tarifas Inesperadas Ilegales por Servicios Básicos de Atención al Cliente

La Oficina para la Protección Financiera del Consumidor (CFPB, por sus siglas en inglés) emitió una opinión consultiva sobre una disposición promulgada por el Congreso que en general, prohíbe a los grandes bancos y cooperativas de crédito imponer obstáculos irrazonables a los clientes por información básica sobre sus propias cuentas, como cobrarles tarifas excesivas.

Prepared Remarks of Seth Frotman, General Counsel and Senior Advisor to the Director, at New Jersey Citizen Action Education Fund’s 14th Annual Financial Justice Summit

New Jersey has made great progress on a range of crucial consumer protection issues, from last year’s legislation providing important protections against predatory lending by for-profit schools to building momentum on basic debt collection standards to fighting off efforts to allow problematic earned wage access products.