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Director Chopra’s Prepared Remarks on the Lawsuit Against MoneyGram

Millions of individuals from around the world sacrifice proximity to their loved ones to seek a better life and financial stability in our country. But they know that on the other side, when their money transfers are received, they are supporting elderly parents, siblings, spouses, and sometimes their own young children. Each year, American families send more than $100 billion abroad using international money transfers, also known as remittances.
Press release

El CFPB y la fiscal general de Nueva York demandan a MoneyGram, infractor reincidente, por dejar varadas a familias.

La Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor (CFPB, por sus siglas en inglés) y la Fiscal General de Nueva York, Letitia James, anunciaron hoy que presentarán una demanda contra MoneyGram International, Inc. y MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. (MoneyGram), uno de los mayores proveedores de remesas en los EE. UU., por violar sistemática y repetidamente varias leyes de protección financiera del consumidor y dejar a familias varadas.
Press release

CFPB and NY Attorney General Sue Repeat Offender MoneyGram For Leaving Families High and Dry

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and New York Attorney General Letitia James today announced they are filing a lawsuit against MoneyGram International, Inc. and MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc. (MoneyGram)—one of the largest remittance providers in the U.S.—for systemically and repeatedly violating various consumer financial protection laws and leaving families high and dry.
Press release

消費者金融保護局和紐約州檢察長起訴 讓家庭處於無助境地的慣犯速匯金

消費者金融保護局(CFPB)和紐約州檢察長Letitia James今天宣佈,他們將對美國最大匯款服務公司之一MoneyGram International, Inc.和MoneyGram Payment Systems, Inc.(簡稱「速匯金」(MoneyGram))提起訴訟,因爲他們系統性地、反复地違反各種消費者金融保護法,讓家庭處於無助境地。該訴訟特別指控該公司未能及時向國外收款人匯款,從而導致客戶等待匯款。
Press release

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Launches Initiative to Save Americans Billions in Junk Fees

Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) launched an initiative to save households billions of dollars a year by reducing exploitative junk fees charged by banks and financial companies. Today’s request is a chance for the public to share input that will help shape the agency’s rulemaking and guidance agenda, as well as its enforcement priorities in the coming months and years.
Press release

CFPB Bans Payment Processor BrightSpeed Solutions and Its Former CEO for Supporting Telemarketing Scammers Targeting Older Americans

Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) filed a proposed final judgement and order with a federal district court that, if entered by the court, would resolve a March 2021 lawsuit brought by the CFPB against BrightSpeed Solutions and its founder Kevin Howard.
Press release

CFPB Shutters Lending by VC-Backed Fintech for Violating Agency Order

Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) announced that LendUp Loans has agreed to halt making any new loans and collecting on certain outstanding loans, as well as to pay a penalty, to resolve a September 2021 lawsuit alleging that it continued to engage in illegal and deceptive marketing in violation of a 2016 CFPB order. The lawsuit also accuses LendUp of violating fair lending regulations.
Press release

CFPB Takes Action Against Access Funding and Its Leadership for Misleading Consumers with Structured Settlements

Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) took action against Access Funding and two executives for steering consumers considering signing away future structured settlement payments for lump sum payments to receive “independent advice” from an attorney, Charles Smith, who was paid directly by Access Funding, and indicating to consumers that the transactions required very little scrutiny.
Press release

CFPB Proposes Rule to Shine New Light on Small Businesses’ Access to Credit

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today proposed a new rule designed to help small businesses gain access to the credit they need and deserve by increasing transparency in the lending marketplace.