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Quality control standards for automated valuation models

Resources to help industry understand and comply with the rule regarding quality control standards for automated valuation models.

The CFPB, the federal banking agencies, the NCUA, and the FHFA have issued a final rule regarding quality control standards for automated valuation models. More information is available here.


Browse the final rule regarding quality control standards for automated valuation models.

Regulation and official interpretations

Browse 12 CFR 1026 on Interactive Bureau Regulations | eCFR

Main rule provisions and official interpretations regarding quality control standards for automated valuation models can be found in:

  • § 1026.2, Definitions and rules of construction
  • § 1026.42(i), Quality control standards for automated valuation models
  • Supplement I to Part 1026 (including official interpretations for the above provisions)

Quick references

Fast facts regarding quality control standards for AVMs