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Appendix E to Part 1024 — Arithmetic Steps

This version is not the current regulation.
You are viewing a previous version of this regulation with amendments that went into effect on July 1, 2020.

I. Example Illustrating Aggregate Analysis



$360 for school taxes disbursed on September 20

$1,200 for county property taxes:

$500 disbursed on July 25

$700 disbursed on December 10

Cushion: One-sixth of estimated annual disbursements

Settlement: May 15

First Payment: July 1

Step 1 - Initial Trial Balance

pmt disb bal
Jun 0 0 0
Jul 130 500 −370
Aug 130 0 −240
Sep 130 360 −470
Oct 130 0 −340
Nov 130 0 −210
Dec 130 700 −780
Jan 130 0 −650
Feb 130 0 −520
Mar 130 0 −390
Apr 130 0 −260
May 130 0 −130
Jun 130 0 0

Step 2 - Adjusted Trial Balance

[Increase monthly balances to eliminate negative balances]

pmt disb bal
Jun 0 0 780
Jul 130 500 410
Aug 130 0 540
Sep 130 360 310
Oct 130 0 440
Nov 130 0 570
Dec 130 700 0
Jan 130 0 130
Feb 130 0 260
Mar 130 0 390
Apr 130 0 520
May 130 0 650
Jun 130 0 780

Step 3 - Trial Balance With Cushion

pmt disb bal
Jun 0 0 1040
Jul 130 500 670
Aug 130 0 800
Sep 130 360 570
Oct 130 0 700
Nov 130 0 830
Dec 130 700 260
Jan 130 0 390
Feb 130 0 520
Mar 130 0 650
Apr 130 0 780
May 130 0 910
Jun 130 0 1040

II. Example Illustrating Single-Item Analysis



$360 for school taxes disbursed on September 20

$1,200 for county property taxes:

$500 disbursed on July 25

$700 disbursed on December 10

Cushion: One-sixth of estimated annual disbursements

Settlement: May 15

First Payment: July 1

Step 1 - Initial Trial Balance

Taxes School taxes
pmt disb bal pmt disb bal
June 0 0 0 0 0 0
July 100 500 −400 30 0 30
August 100 0 −300 30 0 60
September 100 0 −200 30 360 −270
October 100 0 −100 30 0 −240
November 100 0 0 30 0 −210
December 100 700 −600 30 0 −180
January 100 0 −500 30 0 −150
February 100 0 −400 30 0 −120
March 100 0 −300 30 0 −90
April 100 0 −200 30 0 −60
May 100 0 −100 30 0 −30
June 100 0 0 30 0 0

Step 2 - Adjusted Trial Balance

[Increase monthly balances to eliminate negative balances]

Taxes School taxes
pmt disb bal pmt disb bal
Jun 0 0 600 0 0 270
Jul 100 500 200 30 0 300
Aug 100 0 300 30 0 330
Sep 100 0 400 30 360 0
Oct 100 0 500 30 0 30
Nov 100 0 600 30 0 60
Dec 100 700 0 30 0 90
Jan 100 0 100 30 0 120
Feb 100 0 200 30 0 150
Mar 100 0 300 30 0 180
Apr 100 0 400 30 0 210
May 100 0 500 30 0 240
Jun 100 0 600 30 0 270

Step 3 - Trial Balance With Cushion

Taxes School taxes
pmt disb bal pmt disb bal
Jun 0 0 800 0 0 330
Jul 100 500 400 30 0 360
Aug 100 0 500 30 0 390
Sep 100 0 600 30 360 60
Oct 100 0 700 30 0 90
Nov 100 0 800 30 0 120
Dec 100 700 200 30 0 150
Jan 100 0 300 30 0 180
Feb 100 0 400 30 0 210
Mar 100 0 500 30 0 240
Apr 100 0 600 30 0 270
May 100 0 700 30 0 300
Jun 100 0 800 30 0 330