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§ 1041.15 Effective and compliance dates.

This version is not the current regulation.
You are viewing a previous version of this regulation with amendments that went into effect on Aug. 16, 2019.

(a) Effective date. The effective date of this part is January 16, 2018.

(b) April 16, 2018 application deadline. The deadline to submit an application for preliminary approval for registration pursuant to § 1041.11(c)(1) is April 16, 2018.

(c) August 19, 2019 compliance date. The compliance date for §§ 1041.2, 1041.3, 1041.7 through 1041.9, 1041.12(a), (b) introductory text, (b)(4), and (b)(5), and 1041.13 is August 19, 2019.

(d) November 19, 2020 compliance date. The compliance date for §§ 1041.4 through 1041.6, 1041.10, and 1041.12(b)(1) through (3) is November 19, 2020.