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§ 1092.206 Nonbank registry implementation dates.

This version is the current regulation

(a) Applicable dates. The applicable nonbank registry implementation date for purposes of this subpart shall be as follows:

(1) For a covered nonbank that is a larger participant of a market for consumer financial products or services described under 12 U.S.C. 5514(a)(1)(B) as defined by one or more rules issued by the Bureau, 30 days after this subpart takes effect with respect to that covered nonbank;

(2) For a covered nonbank described under any other provision of 12 U.S.C. 5514(a)(1), 120 days after this subpart takes effect with respect to that covered nonbank; and

(3) For any other covered nonbank, 210 days after this subpart takes effect with respect to that covered nonbank.

(b) Calculation of dates. If paragraph (a) would establish a nonbank registry implementation date on a date that is a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday, the applicable nonbank registry implementation date will be the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or Federal holiday.