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Op-ed Speech

Prepared Remarks of Director Rohit Chopra on New CFPB Medical Debt Report

Today, the CFPB released a report on medical billing and collection practices in our country. Medical bills are the most common debt in collections reported on our credit reports. Our own review suggests that roughly 43 million people had medical bills on their credit report, in June 2021, with the total outstanding amount around $88 billion.

Stressed out by student debt

Crossposted from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. This opinion editorial originally ran on May 14, 2015 online. As millions of students and their families...
Data, research, and reports Op-ed

Student Debt Domino Effect?

While many in Washington are focused on what loans look like for future borrowers, there may be a domino effect on the broader economy if we ignore...

Student Loans: Know Before You Owe

This is why the CFPB is assisting the Department of Education with creating a "financial aid shopping sheet" that colleges could use to improve information...